Send out your wishlists to your friends and family!
Frequently asked questions about the Wishlist
How do I use the Wishlist website? This website enables you to create wishlists of things you would like for your special occasions (eg birthdays etc.). You send your list to your contacts, who can view your wishlist. If they get you something from your list, they can mark it as bought, meaning that other contacts know not to get it for you as well!
What is the point? It helps to avoid getting duplicates of gifts for your special occasions, and to let your friends and family know easliy what you would like!
Will I know what people have got for me? Before the event, you will not see what has been bought from your list. After the event, you will see who got you what (helping you to write your thank you letters!).
Do my contacts need to register in order to use the system? NO! They only need to register if they want to make their own wish lists.
Is the site free to use? YES! It is completely free. If you use the Google searches or click on the adverts, then I will earn just a few pennies, but it will not cost you a thing.
Why did you write this system? Because I found it cumbersome sending lists to lots of people, and letting everyone know what I got from other peoples' lists was time consuming. And, I just like writing computer programs...!